Biography of martin de ursuadams

Biography of martin de ursuadams in france

Martín de Ursúa (or Urzúa) y Arizmendi (Spanish pronunciation:[ maɾˈtin de wɾˈsu.a j aɾiθˈmendi]; February 22, – February 4, ), Count of Lizárraga and of Castillo, [1] was a Spanish .
biography of martin de ursuadams

Biography of martin de ursuadams

Saint Martín de Porres (–) spent his entire life in Lima, Peru.

Biography of martin de ursuadams in english

Martin de Porres () was a Dominican Brother known for his humility, his gift of healing, industry, and care for the poor.
Biography of martin de ursuadams in the bible
Martín de Porres Velázquez (9 December – 3 November ) was a Peruvian lay brother of the Dominican Order who was beatified in by Pope Gregory XVI and canonized in .